Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Game Engines

Game engines provide a suite of visual development tools in addition to reusable software components. These tools are generally provided in an integrated development environment to enable simplified, rapid development of games in a data-driven manner. These games engines are sometimes called "game middleware" because, as with the business sense of the term, they provide a flexible and reusable software platform which provides all the core functionality needed, right out of the box, to develop a game application while reducing costs, complexities, and time-to-market—all critical factors in the highly competitive video game industry.

Most often, 3D engines or the rendering systems in game engines are built upon a graphics API such as Direct3D or OpenGL which provides a software abstraction of the GPU or video card. Low-level libraries such as DirectX, SDL, and OpenAL are also commonly used in games as they provide hardware-independent access to other computer hardware such as input devices (mouse, keyboard, and joystick), network cards, and sound cards. Before hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, software renderers had been used. Software rendering is still used in some modeling tools or for still-rendered images.

Some companies now specialize in developing software suites known as "middleware." Middleware developers attempt to "pre-invent the wheel" by developing robust software suites which include many elements a game developer may need to build a game. Most middleware programs provide facilities that ease development, such as graphics, sound, physics and AI functions. Gamebryo and RenderWare are such widely used middleware programs.

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