Aero Peek showing the desktop.Windows Aero is revised in Windows 7, with several UI changes, a more touch-friendly UI and many new visual effects and features:
Aero Peek - hovering over a taskbar icon shows thumbnail of that program. Hovering over the thumbnail shows a preview of that program in full view. Aero Peek also refers to the "Show desktop" button to the far right of the new taskbar.
Aero Shake - Shaking (quickly dragging back and forth) a window minimizes all other windows. Shaking it again brings them back.
Aero Snap - Clicking and dragging a window to the right or left side of the desktop causes the window to fill the respective half of the screen. Snapping a window to the top of the desktop maximizes it. Resizing a window to touch the top or bottom edge of the screen maximizes the window to full height, whilst retaining its width; these windows will then slide horizontally if moved by the title bar, or can be pulled off, which returns the window to its original height.
Touch UI - Windows Aero was revised to be more touch-friendly. For example, the title bar buttons are now slightly bigger.
Maximized windows remain glass instead of becoming opaque.
When hovering over the taskbar button for a running program, the button glows the dominant RGB color of its icon. Also, a shiny effect follows the mouse as it is moved across the icon of active programs.
When moving windows, the CPU and GPU load is reduced by limiting the frame rate that the Aero part is rendered in order to provide better performance to applications and programs.
The blur effect in Aero on Windows 7 now has more even blending than Aero in Windows Vista.
It is now possible to turn off window shadows.
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